Quick Setup Guide for Multi-Platform Live Streaming
Overview This guide will help you set up multi-platform live streaming within one hour, leveraging your existing Facebook audience while expanding to other platforms. Recommended Tools Primary streaming platform: Facebook Live Multi-streaming service: Restream.io (free plan available) Broadcasting software: Streamyard (browser-based, no installation needed) Basic equipment: Computer with webcam and microphone Step-by-Step Setup Process 1.

Per Capita Economic Comparison: Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan and Syria
Per Capita Economic Comparison and Analysis: Five MENA Countries (2023) Executive Summary This report analyzes the per capita economic performance of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Syria, and Jordan in 2023. Key highlights include: Economic Scale: Egypt has the largest nominal GDP, while Jordan leads in several per capita metrics. Living Standards: Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) adjustments
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy I am delighted that you have shown interest in my Website. Data protection is of a particularly high priority for the management of the Said Samir. The use of my Internet pages is possible without any indication of personal data; however, if a data subject wants to use special enterprise services via
الإنترنت لا تنسى
قصة خلاف قديم مع جمال عيد اعتقدت انه قد انتهى اضغط هنا للتفاصيل على موقع أرشيف الانترنت العديد من مستخدمي الإنترنت لا يعلمون أن لها أرشيف، أو بالأحرى موقع معروف باسم أرشيف الإنترنت مخزن فيه مليارات من صفحات ومواقع الإنترنت المختلفة حتى التي اختفت تماما من سنوات ولم يعد لها وجود وبعض الصفحات مسجل
An Israeli crime against their own children.
While Israel tries hard to claim a civilized, modern and westernised nature, this video shows how they are not much different from ISIS, Al Qaida or any other discriminating violent extremist ideology. How Israeli kids are being raised not only to hate Arabs but also to like the idea of killing them. This time their
UK Parliament Members: “Israel committed war crimes in Gaza.”
The West has always been accused of bias in favour of Israel by Arab media and peoples. Lately some Arab governments and a considerable proportion of its people seem to have reversed their stand. While some Arabs now are not ashamed of putting the blame initially on Hamas for the murder of Palestinians by Israel’s
Salah Jahin – صلاح جاهين
رباعيات صلاح جاهين دخل الشتا وقفل البيبان ع البيوت وجعل شعاع الشمس خيط عنكبوت وحاجات كتير بتموت فى ليل الشتا لكن حاجات أكتر بترفض تموت عجبى !! إنسان أيا إنسان ما أجهلك ما أتفهك فى الكون وما أضألك شمس وقمر وسدوم وملايين نجوم وفاكرها يا موهوم مخلوقه لك ؟ عجبى !!
الإخوان والطريق للخروج من الأزمة
برلين في 29 أغسطس 2013 يدعي البعض ان مصر بالنسبة للإخوان مجرد سكن لا وطن! فهل هذا الإدعاء حقيقة أم كذب وافتراء عليهم؟ وما هو مصدر هذه العبارة “سكن لا وطن”؟ وما معنى أن يصدق هذا الإدعاء وأن يكون هذا المبدأ فعلا من اصول ومرجعيات فكر الإخوان؟ يعرف جيدا أعضاء جماعة الإخوان والمطلعين على أدبياتهم
Terrorism or Freedom-Fighting
Weapons never killed ideas. Therefore, military action against international terrorism may not be a viable alternative. If the core motive for international terrorism is ideological and/or political then those who perpetrate terrorism are not just criminals, but they are also believers who consider what they are doing to be the right thing and worthy
Weak or Nobel – The Arab Regimes
Lately, it is has been hard to write about the peace process in the Middle East. Despite how keen one may be to identify a fair and equitable peace, it never gets accomplished. Simply what is going on in the region now makes one think more of war than peace. The whole region is fuming.
Arab Economic Union: A Dream or Reality?
Political integration among Arab countries has for long time been a dear hope of nationalists, nasserists and many Arabs. While the economic integration among Arab countries seems to be more realistic, but it is still challenged with the political paradox of power and cooperation. There are different views of economists, politicians, and businessmen, ranging
Ignore the world’s poor at your own risk!
As attendees at the World Economic Forum (WEF) rolled out of New York in a stream of black limousines, they carried a warning from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan: “Ignore the world’s poor at your own risk.” It was a message that reverberated constantly throughout the five-day event, from conference rooms at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel
Democracy and the Muslim Countries
The relation between the religion of Islam and politics is hot topic that got even hotter after September 11. Sometime ago The Freedom House Organization issued an alarming report about democracy in Muslim countries. The question is: Is it Islam as a religion that is against democracy? or the fact that most of Muslim countries
Censoring Egypt – The Forbidden Rights
(Originally published in Cairo, 2001) Freedom of expression in Egypt is a sensitive issue linked as it is to time-honored taboo subjects: sex, religion and politics. Suppression of freedom of expression by government authorities in Egypt covers literature and art. Most of the time it is unofficial, but whether expressed in writing or verbally, it
Humanity still in ‘Adolescent Phase’
In spite of all the modern technologies that are making the world into a global village, and although humanity has greatly suffered from conflicts and wars throughout its history, so-called globalization has thus far failed to significantly encourage understanding and tolerance among the world’s different cultures and civilizations. Does the monochromatic economic approach of globalization
Sex and Morality
I was 14 years old when I first wrote about sex and morality. It was an article in Arabic for my school magazine. The title was “It”. I do remember that my teacher Wafaa read the whole article without any interruption and then gave it back to me saying that she can not publish
you judge, who is the aggressor? Palestine / Israel Map History 1946 -2010
Complete Victory Speech of Obama Presidential re-Election 2012
Full Speech Text: “If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. It’s the answer told by lines that
Hoax: Salafist female genital mutilation for a cat إجراء عملية ختان لقطة على يد سلفيات؟
من الصعب تصديق هذه الواقعة ويبدوا أنها مزيفة للسخرية من السلفيين ودعوتهم لختان الإناث. وصعوبة تصديق صحة الواقعة ليس سببه أنه هناك حدود للرجعية والتخلف الفكري ولكن لعدم انتشار ثقافة التجارب العلمية عند الفكر السلفي الذي يغلب عليه مبادئ مقيدة للإبداع العقلي والعلمي مثل النقل قبل العقل ولا اجتهاد مع نص وحديث ضعيف أفضل من
الإسلام بين الدين والدولة
إتفق “علماء” الدين الإسلامي قديما وحديثا على أن للإسلام شقين رئيسيين: الشق الأول هو الإسلام كدين ويسمى هذا الشق بالعقيدة أما الشق الثاني فهو الفقه أو الشريعة، أي الإسلام كنظام قانوني وسياسي أو دولة الإسلام. ويختلفا شقي الإسلام بإختلاف المذاهب والطوائف المختلفة وإن كانت هناك بعض المبادئ العامة المتفق عليها بينهم. وإن صح إطلاق لفظ
Andreas, Céline, Suzy und Rodrigue am Alex
Andreas, Céline, Suzy und Rodrigue am Alex Berlin 20.10.2012
Metwally Billiard Magic
[jwplayer config=”Video Player 920×500″ mediaid=”566″] Download Metwally-Billiard-Magic
Photos from Aswan
copyrights creative commons by Said Samir
مناظرة عمرو حمزاوي و أسماء محفوظ
[jwplayer config=”Video Player 920×500″ mediaid=”513″] عمرو حمزاوي و أسماء محفوظ في أول مناظرات برلمان الثورة مع عمرو الليتي في 90 دقيقة
Adel Altawil – ich und ich in Berlin 2011
[jwplayer config=”920×530″ mediaid=”499″] Download adel-altawil-berlin-2011
The true face of Ahmed Shafik, Egypt’s Prime Minister on CNN
[jwplayer mediaid=”438″] Ahmed Shafik is a close friend of Mubarak and his colleague in the tyranny, oppression and plunder imposed on the Egyptian people. February 6th, 2011 CNN CROWLEY: Let me ask you by arrests by the military police. Why are they arresting – SHAFIK: About…? CNN CROWLEY: Arrests. SHAFIK: About what? CNN CROWLEY: About
Jan van Aken Mubarak muss weg. Das fordern Menschen in Ägypten, das fordern auch wir! Rede 09.02.2011
Jan van Aken “Mubarak muss weg. Das fordern Menschen in Ägypten, das fordern auch wir! Rede 09.02.2011” [jwplayer mediaid=”429″] Jan van Aken ist Bundestagsabgeordneter der LINKEN in Hamburg seit der Wahl 2009. Rede 09.02.2011 –
خطاب السادات الأخير أمام مجلس الشعب 5 سبتمبر 1981
[jwplayer config=”Video Player 920×500″ mediaid=”378″]
Addressing Samuel Huntington, is it really a clash of civilizations?
In 2002 I attended a discussion session with Huntington in NYC during the WEF meeting about bridging civilizations. On a distinct note, Samuel Huntington, said that there are indeed real differences in values and cultures among civilizations. The idea of a bridge, as suggested in the title of the session, implies there is something separating
Humanity is still in an adolescent phase
In spite of all the modern technologies that are making the world into a global village, and although humanity has greatly suffered from conflicts and wars throughout its history, so-called globalization has thus far failed to significantly encourage understanding and tolerance among the world’s different cultures and civilizations. Does the monochromatic economic approach of globalization
to the WEF, Ignore the world’s poor at your own risk
As attendees at the World Economic Forum (WEF) rolled out of New York in a stream of black limousines, they carried a warning from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan: “Ignore the world’s poor at your own risk.” It was a message that reverberated constantly throughout the five-day event, from conference rooms at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel
Meeting with the father of Internet, Vinton Cerf
It was a great pleasure for me to meet with one of Internet founders during ICAAN board meeting held in Cairo, March 2000. As an Internet professional and a technology fan, talking with Vinton Cerf gave me the feeling of talking to someone holy! Of course, if technology is a new religion Cerf would be
Funny photo for me with Angela Merkel in France24 TV
Angela Merkel, Said Samir France24 TV 2010 When you pause a video and it stops at a single frame you may get a funny photo. This what happened when I was watching a recorded video from a live interview for me in the French channel France24 about the economic problems of Greece.
Interview with Mustafa Mahmoud
I conducted this interview in 1998 as a research associate in a 4 years research project titled “Islamic Public Sphere” in Egypt that was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and supervised by Prof. Dr. Armando Salvatore. A part from the valuable inputs of the interview to our research project, the interview marked a
Interview with Dr. Hossam Badrawy for DW-TV
In this assignment from DW-TV I assisted in the planning, selection of featured guests and organizing interviews for a TV report about foreign education in Egypt. The project was headed by Jens-Uwe Rahe, project manager of Middle East and North Africa in DW. For this report I organized interviews with Dr. Hossam Badrawy head of
Interview with ambassador Edward Walker
“Our country has been struggling with the definition of terrorism for long time and has not worked out a unified definition. But in general I can say that terrorism is the illegitimate act of killing innocent people for a political cause. If one goes to a restaurant and blows up a bunch of innocent women
Reception of US Congressman Darrell Issa in Cairo Nov. 2001
In November 2001, it was my pleasure to be in the reception of US congressman Darrell Issa in Cairo. Issa is one of few American congressmen from an Arab origin (Lebanese). My pleasure did not last long when he gave his speech stating that “September 11 attack on America would not have happened if the
Urban agriculture and visions for a “modern” city : Cairo case study
While urban agriculture as a practice is found in almost all cities of Egypt, but the term and concept did not exist in any aspect when I introduced it together with Prof. Dr. Jörg Gertel from Leipzig university trying to research and investigate the socio-economic factors shaping urban agriculture activities in Cairo. Our co-authored paper
What is missing from the life of Omar Sharif?
When I met with Omar El Sharif for the first time in 1991, I asked him “After all your success, do you feel that there was something essential missing in your life?” … He looked at me for a long time and didn’t say anything. I asked him again. He said “How about you? what
The People’s Planet : Transforming The City (for CNN)
[jwplayer mediaid=”401″] The People’s Planet : Transforming The City CNN This is a part of a documentary titled “Transforming The City” which is an episode of a six one-hour series called “The People’s Planet”. The series was shot in 23 countries on Hi-Vision system (full HD) and was co-produced by Antelope and NHK of Japan
Religion and Science, The Forced Mix
The habit of mixing religion with science is as ancient as witchcrafts in the early human history. Some even claim that religion was introduced to humanity by the lack of science at the beginning of human history. During the last few decades, that ancient forced-mix popped up again, and instead of using science to
History of Sex in Egypt
Unlike the current days, sexuality in Egypt at the time of Pharaohs used to be open, untainted by guilt. Sex was an important part of life – from birth to death and rebirth. Singles and married couples made love. The gods themselves were earthy enough to copulate. The Egyptians even believed in sex in the
Arabs’ Future
In spite of the poor record of Arab’s achievements in many fields, there is still ‘some’ hope for development that can only be realized in a timely fashion if Arabs stop dreaming and actually start working. Multi-dimensional development in the national and regional levels is a must to achieve the missing prosperity of the Arabs.
مفهوم الدولة بين الشريعة الإسلامية والعلمانية
هل العلمانية مفهوم مضاد للشريعة الإسلامية؟ سؤال طرح للنقاش ضمن فعاليات مؤتمر الكنيسة الإنجيلية بهانوفر يوم الخميس 26 مايو/أيار الماضي. نقاط مثيرة ناقشها الحاضرون تركزت على موقف الإسلام والمسيحية من فصل الدين عن الدولة. يُعد موقف الإسلام من الدولة العلمانية بمعناها المتعارف عليه ـ فصل الدين عن الدولة ـ من أكثر المواضيع نقاشا وبحثا في
Wef demos in New York 2002
For a visitor to New York city coming from a country of an authoritative regime like Egypt and thinking of the U.S. as the country of freedom and democracy, the anti-WEF demonstrations was some kind of a reality-check. Talking with an angry demonstrator telling him that he should appreciate the fact that they have the
World Economic Forum
I participated in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum that was convened in New York City under the theme “Leadership in Fragile Times: A Vision for a Shared Future.” The gathering, which has taken place in Davos, Switzerland since 1971, moved to New York in 2002 as a signal of Forum members’ determination
Unemployment in Egypt
A higher standard of living and a better quality of life must be the prime objectives of any efficient and sincere government. In Egypt – where employment insurance is almost non-existent, social insurance is very poor, and overly large population is still growing at a high rate – Unemployment has become a national problem. The
The difference between Sharon and Arab rulers
Democracy, terrorism, and national security are concepts whose definitions span a wide spectrum and are frequently contradictory. an Arab professor has raised some necessary questions about their use in the Middle East. “Sharon is a Terrorist – And You?” That is the provocative title of an article recently penned by Kuwaiti University professor Ahmad El